Sunsetting Cloudpresenter

It is with a heavy heart I bring you the news that as of 31st Oct 2024, we will be sunsetting Cloudpresenter. This was never part of the plan, but sadly we have been provided with no other option.

Despite exploring multiple options to find a different outcome, and combined with sub processor price increases in recent months, this has left us unable to continue.

First of all I’d like to say sorry it has to end like this, so early on in our journey. More importantly though, thank you so much for the support and feedback you have provided that has helped shape Cloudpresenter into the amazing platform it is today, which we should all be proud of.

As of today, Cloudpresenter will stop allowing creation of new events. For all scheduled events, we will continue support until November. From today, until October 31, 2024, you will be able to download all recordings, contacts, polls, and files.

We intend to make it as smooth as possible for you to migrate out of Cloudpresenter and will be available to respond to your queries here or on our support chat.

Thank you for everything once again and I wish you every success in the future.

No credit card needed. No downloads.
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